Thesis List and Presentation
Yoojin Cha
Things that happened to the victims in the military sexual slavery and the reactions
The purpose of this thesis is to show people what military sexual slavery is because there are so many people who don¡¯t know correctly about our terrible history. The reason I am writing this is to show the people who see this thesis the anger and sorrow of the military sexual slavery victims and to let everyone know this incident so that we could gather and criticize together.
This thesis will show the wrongs that were happened to Korean people, about Japan and Korea government¡¯s political footwork. Their footwork will be quite shocking and not like how people expect. Many victims are heartbroken and outraged of their decision. The victims wanted a sincere apology and a moderate punishment for the person in charge. But their wish weren¡¯t granted.
To people, military sexual slavery is just a story that just pasts by, but to the victims, it was a thing that ruined everything, their youth, family, their life. But the person who is called a president of Korea announced an agreement to the citizens to cover this incident with just 10 billion dollars. What the victims wanted wasn¡¯t money. They had their life stolen and this wasn¡¯t a problem that could have been solved with money at first. This incident made a big wound mentally and physically.
To conclude, military sexual slavery is not a problem that can be covered with money. It is very disappointing and pitiful that the military sexual slavery agreement is already made, but being compensated and exacting an apology is another matter. The comfort women didn¡¯t stand up every Wednesday in front of the Japan Embassy to get money. Exacting an apology directly from Japan is the only way the comfort women could alleviate their psychological wound at least a little bit. Money can¡¯t heal their wound.
I recommend that everyone should study about military sexual slavery. This incident is our history that is very pitiful and indignant. There are opinions whether Japan has to apologize even if it is not them who committed the actual crime, or that they should still have the responsibility of this incident because it is their history. This is the reason we have to study. In order to fight back we need knowledge. So everyone who feels sorry for these victims should search up military sexual slavery and remember them as their wish.
Military sexual slavery was an incident when women form Korea, China, Philippine, and Netherland became sex slaves during the war in Japan until 1945. But most of the sex slaves were known to be Koreans. About 200,000 women are estimated to have worked as sex slaves. There were only a few that survived and came back and there are only 46 comfort women alive. They are our living evidence of military sexual slavery.
I write a thesis about military sexual slavery to introduce this incident. I know it is impossible to understand the comfort women¡¯s feelings but I write this to alleviate the victims¡¯ pent-up anger at least a little bit and show everyone the reality, that this is not just kind of a story that we can just go over with but our history that we have to stand fairly together and exact the apology from Japan.
Military sexual slavery is becoming an incident that never happened. Japan is denying categorically and there aren¡¯t much comfort women to fight back. The military burnt all the evidence of military sexual slavery so the comfort women are the best evidence to prove this incident right now. I had the volition to help the victims but I didn¡¯t know how so I questioned myself how I can help them. So I searched over many interviews of the comfort women. And I found out that there weren¡¯t much that they wanted us to do. All they wanted was for us to remember them and this incident. It surprised me because at first I was finding something big and tremendous I could do for them and on the other side I was worried if there were nothing I could actually do for them. SO I found out that the answer to my question is to study about military sexual slavery, to remember every little thing that was done to the comfort women and remember this miserable feeling for them. Studying is the only and the best way we could fight back with grounds and exact the apology justly from Japan.
This issue will be discussed about how and why sexual slavery was made, what exactly happened in the brothels, and how people react to this incident. This thesis will show how shocking this incident is and how more shocking the reaction of the people is. There are both positive and negative views on the comfort women who are standing against Japan, and the political footwork of Japan and Korea. This reminded me that there were no such thing that was crueler than human.