Thesis List and Presentation
Taeyoon Kim
The composition models of dark matter, interaction of dark matter and observing of dark matter based on WIMP theory
The purpose of this report is to research about composition theories of dark matter, how it interacts with bosons and forces and how it could be observed by human
Let me introduce the composition models of the dark matter to you.There are mainly 6 composition models of dark matter. First is ¡®WIMP¡¯ model. It refers to ¡®Weakly Interacting Massive particle¡¯. It forms cold dark matter because it¡¯s massive and moves in a slow velocity. Therefore, their heat energies are very low. That¡¯s why it forms cold dark matter.
Second is asymmetric dark matter model. It is about matter-anti matter pair. Simply, it¡¯s saying that dark matter was made just like ordinary matter was made in the ¡®Baryogenesis¡¯ of the Big Bang Theory.
Third is ¡®Axion¡¯ model. It¡¯ saying that dark matter is made of subatomic particle called ¡®Axion¡¯. When it¡¯s in the magnetic field, it splits into 2 photons. I¡¯ll deal specifically about the background of this theory.
Fourth is a model called ¡®WILP¡¯ model which is also called as ¡®Neutrino model¡¯. It is the candidate of the hot dark matter model. It is theory saying that dark matter is made of neutrinos. Those neutrinos are very light and move in a high velocity. Therefore, it forms hot dark matter.
Fifth, There is a model called ¡®MACHO¡¯ model. It¡¯s the theory talking that dark matter is made of small black hole or heavy planets.
Sixth, there are 2 candidates for the warm dark matter. It is like the middle of hot and cold dark matter. One is 'sterile neutrino' and the other is 'gravitino'.
In the interaction of dark matter, there are basically 2 interactions. In the composition model of dark matter, we can see that those models are interacting very weakly. Basically, they are interacting only with W, Z, Higgs bosons and Gravitons. And, according to the ¡®MACHO¡¯ model, we can observe dark matter with micro gravitational lensing.
In the observation of dark matter, direct dark matter detecting, There are basically 2 detectors called Cryogenic detector and Noble Gas detector. Those 2 detectors are based on energy that ¡®WIMP¡¯ particle make toemit while reacting with superconductors or noble gas. But detectors don¡¯t know when those other energies would come out except dark matter. That¡¯s why there are shielding and discrimination. In the visual evidence of dark matter, bullet cluster itself is the evidence. Because it shows the interaction between normal and dark matters. By inertia force and gravity, bullet cluster was made. Also, prediction of dark matter started with gravity. Scientists checked the mass of a galaxy and the galaxy¡¯s mass was smaller than the adequate mass of galaxy to form itself.
A few days ago, I went to the wiki page of physics dilemma. There, I saw a notice about dark matter.And I have been really interested in topic dark matter. Since I hadread a book about dark matter written by Lisa Landle, I was really focused on that topic.. And I saw it a few days ago when I was surfing the internet that Dark matter was a hot potato in the physics area. That was the motivation of writing this topic.
As I talked in the Summary part, let me explain these 3 parts. Those 3 parts are model, interaction and observation of dark matter.
In the composition of Dark Matter, I'd like to talk about the 'WIMP' model, asymmetric dark matter model, 'Axion' model, neutrino model and 'MACHO' model. Additionally, I'd like to talk about sterile neutrino and 'gravitino'. In asymmetric dark matter model, I'd talk about Big Bang theory and matter-anti matter relationship. In 'Axion' model, I¡¯m supposed to deal with 'C-P symmetry'. In neutrino model, I'd talk about neutrinos. In the hot dark matter model, I¡¯m due to deal with 'C-P-T symmetry' related with 'SUSY' theory.
In the interaction of Dark Matter, I'd like to talk about Standard Model and the Bosons. By talking about bosons those interact with dark matter. I'd like to talk about the micro gravitational lens and ordinary gravitational lens, related with MACHO model.
In the observation of Dark Matter, I'd like to talk about direct Dark Matter detecting. In the direct Dark Matter detecting, I'd talk about cryogenic detector and Noble gas detector. And, I'd talk about basic mechanism of dark matter detectors. In the visual evidence of dark matter, I¡¯d like to talk about bullet cluster and how it looks like a bullet related to dark matter. Also, in the prediction of dark matter, I am to deal simply about prediction and start of dark matter theories.