Thesis List and Presentation
Sunny Park
The reasons why President Park should step down
The purpose of this report is to organize what President Park did wrong. The reasons for this are there are many wrong rumors and people should know the facts of what President Park did wrong.
I surveyed a total of 50 people. I asked 4 questions. First, ¡®Are you interested in politics?¡¯ second, ¡®Do you know Choi Soon-sil scandal?¡¯ third, ¡®Do you know Parksamo?¡¯ and fourth, ¡®How do you think that the importance of Choi Soon-sil scandal?¡¯ For the first question, 7 people (14%) said they are not interested in politics. And 21 people (42%) said they are average. In this point we could know that more than 50% of the people are not really interested in politics. 5 people (5%) said they are interested in politics, and 17 people (34%) said they are really interested in politics. About second question, 12 people (24%) said they just know Choi Soon-sil scandal which means they really don¡¯t know about Choi Soon-sil scandal they just heard about it. 20 people (40%) said they know it well and 18 people (36%) said they are really interested in Choi Soon-sil scandal. In this case we could know that most of the people know and at least they heard about Choi Soon-sil scandal. At third question 10 people (20%) said they don¡¯t know Parksamo. Parksamo is the group who loves President Park. And 33 people (66%) said they know Parksamo. At the last question 7 people (14%) said Choi Soon-sil scandal is important and 43 people (86%) said Choi Soon-sil scandal is very important. And at the answer of this question we could know that everyone thinks Choi Soon-sil scandal is important.
In addition, I asked these questions ages through 10 to 80 years old people.
I found out that, some people don¡¯t know Parksamo and forty men are really interested in politics they all said they are interested in Choi Soon-sil scandal, and they also know Parksamo well. In conclusion all of the people said Choi Soon-sil scandal is important although some of them are not interested in politics.
I recommend that please watch some news and get interested in politics.
Korea keeps an eye on Choi Soon-sil scandal (2016 South Korean political scandal). This scandal became the biggest issue in Korea. So I cannot help but do the research. Simply Choi Soon-sil Scandal is about a normal woman, the friend of President Park named Choi Coon-sil monopolized the government administration. There are also some groups who loves President Park, of course they could have different ideas but it is really hard to accept their ideas. Also there are some untruth rumors. In this report there are only facts about Choi Soon sil scandal. This report will begin with who is Choi Soon-sil and what is Choi Soon-sil scandal.
This report will be mainly about the reasons why President Park should step down. The information in report is usually from news, home pages of companies and newspapers. My personal opinion is that I can¡¯t understand the ideas of Parksamo. At Parksamo they are usually composed of old people. I think they don¡¯t know reality. Simply their idea is President Park, I mean Park Geun-hye did do anything wrong. The news is going wrong. I am really sorry to them but they should face the reality. I am dealing with Parksamo too. They should know how important and how serious this scandal is. And this is the reason that I am writing this report. I really hope that Parksamo know the real face of President Park.
This issue will be considered in politics and society.