Thesis List and Presentation
Summer Kim
Advantages and Disadvantages of Exam-Free Semester in Korea
Our country always try new education but always with private education. We are called 'republic of private education', education dependence and private education expenses are much higher than other countries. But that's because private education get great result in eyes of business circles. Why our country doesn't have autonomic education.
The government practice the exam-free semester for reducing students' school academic stress and find their career and future.
The exam-free semester was conducted for first grader second semester, for six months. It divides 2 terms. Monday was art and physical education, Tuesday and Wednesday was choose subject and Friday was club.
From ending the exam-free semester in my school, I want to talk about exam-free semester and share my thoughts about it and advantages and disadvantages due to researching and other countries' education. Also I want to say my opinion, of exam-free semester and problems have to be improved.
he exam-free semester is system that make a participation class such as debate, practice and a lot of various activities to find their dream and talent without school, academic stress.
They are made up with career exploration, choose subject, art and physical education, and club. Career exploration is help students to find their career. Choose subject provides many different activities. You can choose art or physical and club also have lots of activities.
According to the Education Office, students's survey results was "Through the exam-free semester, I could find my dream and goal and answer of why we have to study,". And satisfaction was 3.79 to 4.0. (total score 5.) Parents said "I could trust the school watching my children growing through various experience.", satisfaction was 3.86 to 4.09. (total score 5.) And teachers said "I developed professionalism and my passion was returned.". Their satisfaction was 3.79 to 4.22. (total score 5.) With this results, we can know most of students, parents, teachers are satisfied with exam-free semester.
The exam-free semester was started at 2013. Now 2,500 schools are operating. In 2015, it conduct 1,500 schools. And in 2016, it changes to overall execution.
According to the Education Office blog, this exam-free semester except only multiple choice examination and report card. Their class activities and assessments are being stronger. They called it developed country education. They write about participation, leadership, and studying interest in student record each subjects.
"Through the exam free semester system, they strive to enable middle school students to do more out door activities without the heavy burden of exams", the ministry said in a briefing to Park.