Thesis List and Presentation
Slater Chae
How to make others laugh
A. The study purpose
Since industrial revolution took place, people are living busy lives, which made them lose joy and happiness. Maybe that is why some people wonder why they have lost laughter in their lives. They feel that because they are living life full of stresses. They have lost laughter. However, I personally felt somewhat different. My basic thoughts about laughter began to change when I saw an unusual phenomenon. Once I saw a comedian on the street, people started looking at him and started laughing and giggling. However, the comedian didn¡¯t do anything?not even looking at the people who laughed. Why did people laugh when they saw a comedian? He didn¡¯t look funny and he didn¡¯t do anything funny. Why would the pedestrians laugh? Is it just because he was a comedian?
B. Methods of study
For the last couple of months, through internet mostly, I was able to collect information through other articles, newspaper articles, encyclopedias, and books written by individuals. In the past, people didn¡¯t try to define the real definition and characteristics of laughter. However, there were few people who tried to justify laughter. Looking at their great studies including publically published books, researches made on university, and articles written by several scientists, it was easier to define laughter.
Most people cannot define laughter, and most of them feel that they do not need to. They think it is highly related with a person¡¯s emotion and isn¡¯t really required to know such things that contribute to laughter. However, while investigating, I have found that laughter is not a simple facial expression of joy. It is very hard to define laughter, and is also hard to make someone laugh. Many feel that making people laugh is hard, while some say that it is the easiest thing in the world. Why would this be? Why can some people be good in comedy and some cannot? What method can we use to make others laugh? From this page, there will be the answers to these questions.