Thesis List and Presentation
Problems and Truth of Korean government
The objective of this report will be, proposing the truth to the nation, which is the nation, they should know about the information of Korea¡¯s government problems and the truth properly so that they can know about their country. By announcing the problems, people will find out the way and suggest their ideas to the nation that they can be helpful to their country, without using any corruptions or some things that may be harmful for Korea¡¯s society. People should know about their country¡¯s mistakes and more matters that are happening. The society is for keeping people safe and keeping their money. Because of that, we can have a safe life and cannot be harmful because of the law. However Korean¡¯s society has much corruptions and matters that are making the nation suffer. A country, the society, the state is for keeping peoples¡¯ lives and money, not for only corruption and keeping their authority. The president confessed their errors, and mentioned the truth to the nation. We should learn about the problems that have been made by this incident. The president is about to deal with the impeachment, however we should deal with the problems and the truth because of the matters happened in Korea.
(Outlining Research)
I had a specific research with the internet and the news that has become official to the nation and the internet, the information which people all know about it so that the information that I have researched must be true. I went to other sites that can show some information about President Park, as much as possible, such as BBC, CNN, and so on. I could gather some more information from the news because the news showed some specific moments and some news that has been reported by a wrong way because of the authority which has been swung by Choi Soon Sill. Firstly I got the information about Choi Soon Sill¡¯s scandal from JTBC, which first told the nation about the Scandal that made the nation go mad at the first time, before other horrible matters happened by the government, after that, I researched from SBS, MBC to gather more information. After that, I searched for some truth and the information about the matters on the internet which is officially showed on to the nation, so that I can have clear information on researching.
(Main Findings & Conclusions)
I found that Choi Soon Sill entered into politics herself, not by President Park, she entered by herself using violence and more harmful things to the government. Also, there were calls between the Sewol Ferry¡¯s president and the government, right before the sinking incident of Sewol Tragedy.
I recommend that I think Choi Soon Sill will have the most mysterious secrets in the government.
This report is wrote for people who are living in Korea, the people should know what happened in the Korean society, the problems that have been occurred in Korea when President Park Gun Hae¡¯s administration, and some information and backgrounds about those problems. The information should be come out into the open so that many people would know about the problems what happened at that time and what matters are made, and people will know how to do something for Korea¡¯s future, and know the truth about the government, what people who are working inside the government are doing. The definition and the reason why this report is written will be, the bad information should be known to people and people should think about they should not make any kinds of corruptions like this anymore.
The report will show you some information about the President Park¡¯s matters in the society, giving all the research information and the reason that have been come out into the open. It also contains the information of the two main people who made all the corruptions mainly, President Park and about Choi soon sill. The overall topic is the main matters that are happening in Korea, such as Sewol Ferry, what was President Park doing for 7 hours when the Ferry started to sink, and about Choi soon sill, what were they doing inside the government, and what was Choi doing something with President Park. These people might have problems because they did some things wrong for Korea¡¯s future, even they are the president, normal person, and people who are working for the government, they have information about the matters they have made.
It is right to punish those people because they made kind of a corruption with social positions, and then we could gather information from people who have made those matters and exactly know what happened at this matter, that matter, and so on, so it will be kinds of reasoning for the truth of the matters. This structure of the paper will cover the matters that have been occurred mainly which made Koreans be angry with President Park, just like the problems about Choi. It will also mainly represent what happened at that time exactly and what will happen, according to the news and the presentation President Park mentioned, and the information that have been known officially to people. The paper will not talk about some kinds of topics like the Olympics, and some positive topics that can be a great feature of Korea, it will mainly talk about the problems that are negatively happened and still remaining in people¡¯s mind, and the corruptions that are absolutely harmful for people who are living in Korea. The information are from the News, especially JTBC that have told people about the truth of Choi.
It will also demonstrate the information what people all know about it officially. Some people even think that it is not right to have an impeachment about President Park, but the time will come when the people will understand about the truth of the government. If we don¡¯t do anything to the president who is working now, we will be dealing with another president again, and have the same problem again and again. The nation is supposed to deal with the problem because when the government makes the policy, the nation will encounter no matter what the policy is, so the nation has to know about the true meaning of the government and compare with this government, President Park¡¯s administration.
Our nation is to deal with the problems and matters that are happening now. So if the nation will be dealing with that problem, they will know what is wrong, and what is right so that they can easily find the solution about it. Although it is due to deal with it, people will find their way out from the corruption and the fake government making problems.