Thesis List and Presentation
Lucy Yoon
What is Affirmative Action and what do people think about the affirmative action?
Introductory Speech
Presentation of Summary and Intridction
The purpose of this report is to make people know about other countries¡¯ controversial issues and give some information about the affirmative action. The reason for this is to advance our Korea by watching and reading about other countries different problems and solutions and to make people think two perspective of the affirmative action.
This is an individual report so to research about the affirmative action I used Internet site such as Google. At first I tried to find the origin of affirmative action and second I tried to find positive perspective of the affirmative action. Third, I found negative of affirmative action and fourth, I found real cases of affirmative action. Lastly, I tried to find some graphics about affirmative action. I compared my report and some graphics about affirmative action and I add some graphics in my report.
The majority of those researches showed, about affirmative action many people are thinking different ways. Some of the people think the affirmative action is positive thing and some of the people think the affirmative action is negative thing. According to the research, people who have positive perspective of affirmative action claim that the affirmative action ensures diversity in place, helps disadvantaged individuals with advancing, breaks stereotypes regarding color, and needed to compensate minorities for centuries of slavery or oppression. They place emphasis on diversity and compensating. They think since most people desire diversity, it is important to make sure colleges and universities will represent a wide range of backgrounds, but without affirmative action, this diversity is much less likely to occur. Also they think now, by affirmative action, Americans have to provide a way to compensate their descendants for the wrong-doings suffered by their ancestors but also by implementing affirmative action white people have to feel the value of doing this. On the other hand, people who have negative perspective of the affirmative action claim that compensating for past wrongs is a wrong thing, in reality, diversity doesn¡¯t happen, it can serve as a reverse discrimination, and it destroys the idea of a meritocracy. They place emphasis on compensating is a wrong thing and reverse discrimination. They think it is unfair to compensate for wrong past because actually black people who went to the university by the affirmative action are rich enough and there are many whites who are poor. Also they insist that white people who are more qualified and are working harder can be passed over strictly because of their color. Like this many people have different opinions about the affirmative action.
So I recommend that research some information about the affirmative action, understand about this problem, and choose your perspective of the affirmative action.
I had questions about the affirmative action. What is the definition of the affirmative action? What do people consider about the affirmative action? Is there any victim of the affirmative action? To answer this question I researched a lot of things. I wrote this report based on America. But this report doesn¡¯t mention about the concrete difference between each country¡¯s affirmative action and meanings and religious things. So if you want to know about these things, go to the site that I attached.
Affirm means to state or assert positively, maintain as true and action means the process or state of acting or of being active. These two words united and affirmative action is the policy of favoring members of a disadvantaged group who suffer or have suffered from discrimination within a culture. Often, these people are disadvantaged for historical reasons, such as oppression or slavery. Historically and internationally, support for affirmative action has sought to achieve goals such as forming inequalities in employment and pay, increasing access to education, promoting diversity, and compensating for past wrongs, or harms. The nature of affirmative action policies varies from region to region. Some countries, such as India, use a quota system, where by a certain percentage of government jobs, political positions, and school vacancies must be reserved for members of a certain group. In some other regions where quotas are not used, minority group members are given preference or special consideration in selection processes.
But opponents of affirmative action such as George Sher believe that affirmative action devalues the accomplishments of people who are chosen based on the social group to which they belong rather than their qualifications, thus rendering affirmative action counterproductive. Opponents, who sometimes say that affirmative action is reverse discrimination, further claim that affirmative action has undesirable side-effects in addition to failing to achieve its goals. For example, the idea of "mismatching" suggests that affirmative action might place students into colleges that are too difficult for them, increasing their chances of dropping out.