Thesis List and Presentation
Lesly Lee
The history and opinions of death penalty
The purpose of this report is to share the information about the death penalty. These days, the death penalty is the social issue because people have different opinion for the capital punishment. And, actually, some countries have already abolished the death penalty and some other countries execute the death penalty. So, I want to get and explain the information to you.
I asked three points about death penalty. First, I asked the history of death penalty. I thought that if people knew the history of death penalty, people could take a position easily. So, I researched the time that the capital punishment first executed and the process of abolishment. And I examined the supporting argument and the base data. I wished you knew the supporting argument and base data. Because it helps get a trust and you can pronounce your opinion surely. With the supporting idea, I examined the opposite view. Finally, I researched the current state of affairs. With the history of death penalty, present state is good to predict the future. By the present state, you can know the trend about the death penalty.
I found that, the rate of supporter and opponents are similar. The research shows preferences of death penalty. Also, I found that countries have had different ideas each other since the death penalty is created. Some countries abolished the death penalty and some countries execute the death penalty. 32 countries are classed as ¡°abolitionist in practice¡±. But, now many countries abolished the death penalty. I recommend that people pay attention about the death penalty. Also, I want that you have your opinion.
The purpose of this report is to share the information about the death penalty. These days, the death penalty is the social issue because people have different opinions for the capital punishment. And, actually, some countries have already abolished the death penalty and some other countries have been executing the death penalty for many years. So, I want to get and mention the information to you.
The definition of death penalty is a sentence or a punishment of death by execution. In the area of punishment, the death penalty is considered the highest level of punishment. Also, the death penalty has a value of the longest punishment in the world. And, I hope that I found new facts and effects on death penalty. The history of the capital punishments has a long time. In 18th century B.C., on the code of Hammurabi, that is the oldest positive law proposed this penalty to people that is grounded on ¡°An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth¡±. Above this, in many kinds of code, we can find the article about the death penalty.
But nowadays, people who offer opposition get shown on the face. And the implantation of the death penalty is much debated at this moment in the world. Some people insist that it be necessary to block up the crime and to be safe from the criminals. On the other hand, the opponents said that there was no association. Also, it can be a destruction of the dignity of man. Because of the opponents¡¯ ides, some countries don¡¯t execute the death penalty. So, this death penalty exists in many countries such as Japan and Kenya. In Europe, they don¡¯t execute the death penalty now, but some countries in Africa nearly implement the capital punishment. However, in some countries, the death penalty is existed but they don¡¯t execute the death penalty. Like in Korea, there is a law of death penalty, but they don¡¯t execute the death penalty, actually. In some countries such as Greece and France, they abolish the capital punishment. In my opinion for death penalty, the capital punishment is necessary for people not to be afraid. We have to think the human rights of victims. If the laws were to be on criminals¡¯ sides, the society would be rotten. Also, to stop executing the death penalty causes more victims.