Thesis List and Presentation
Kevin Lee
All about the time machine
The writer of this report will be dealing with the time machine and the theory of relativity by Einstein. The title time machine was created by a book named ¡®the time machine¡¯. With this book, the time machine appeared with the curiosity of some manias of SF. The time machine rapidly gained its fame and now it¡¯s the main factor of the SF movies.
Some scientists who were interested in the time machine and whose wish is making the real time machine started their new research with the topic ¡®the time machine¡¯. They learned that to make the time machine or the function just like the time machine, they have to use the universe, such as Betelgeuse or black hole. They use the theory of relativity to explain these new ways that were invented by the time machine manias.
But still, there are many questions: ¡°Is the time machine really realizable?¡± The reason why these people still have curiosity although some manias discovered the ways is because still there are some contradictions.
You would gain more information about the time machine and connected theories, because I am going to deal with the time machine and the theory of relativity and the one person¡¯s idea of the time machine: Is it impossible or possible? Is it illogical or logical?¡±(Who is not good at science and also not expert of it, but has a little interest in these kinds of scientific fiction parts.)
So it¡¯s time we dived into the world of the time machine. Thinking about time machine cannot be too boring.
The purpose of this report is to discuss our familiar machine, time machine. This machine is also preferred to SF movies such as Back to the future. But did you know that there are real ways to make functions similar to the real time machine, although many people thinks that it¡¯s impossible, such as using wormhole in the space, based on Einstein¡¯s theory of relativity? (But it¡¯s naturally impossible to REALIZE it, because if scientists use these ways, the rocket needs to fly faster than the light, but it is impossible because it consumes infinite energy, so there¡¯s just some ways to make time machine.)
Actually, I watched ¡®back to the future¡¯ pleasingly (But I didn¡¯t see back to the future 2, I wish I had seen It.), so time machine remained to my memory. While preparing for the topic of this thesis, I thought that it would be interesting to write something about time machine. So I thought it the title time machine to fit the report. But although most scientists found the way to make time machine, still some scientists say it¡¯s illogical. Because, if participants of time machine use time machine to go to other period, there must be some contradictions. Even they say that even though the time machine would be made by scientist, (Actually, the way to make function of time machine is to use the space, but let¡¯s think that scientists made time machine.) it isn¡¯t real time machine, (I mean that it cannot go to past or future immediately), but person just feels that he or she is going past or future.
Personally, I agree that the time machine is illogical, because that if someone goes past or future, we can change our future or past, but after we finished our mission to change past or future, we come back to present, and two happenings happen: happening before completing the mission, happening after completing the mission. Also, there are some other contradictions if you discuss about time machine.
So, this thesis will deal with the way to make the function of time machne, and also why there is a rumor that time machine is illogical.