Thesis List and Presentation
Emily Kim
The Analysis of Boston Tea Party
Presentation of Summary and Intridction
Before the Boston tea party, the Great Britain was having a financial problem. Britain tried to solve the financial problem by changing the tax system in America. Putting tax on teas was started. The boson tea party was happened by the tea act. Americans were made to buy teas in expensive prices. People who couldn¡¯t keep this, they made the Boston tea party.
The Boston tea party was happened at December 16th, 1773. It was happened in the Boston, U.S.A. in the Boston harbor, Samuel Adams and the sons of liberty went on the ship which came from the Great Britain. They started to throw the boxes full with tea overboard. Samuel Adams and the sons of liberty threw 342 boxes of teas into the Boston harbor. The king and the parliament of Great Britain were angry at Americans. The teas were very expensive at that time, and these expensive teas were thrown to the sea. So the Great Britain made many new laws and revenged to Americans. They made Boston harbor act which made people can¡¯t use the Boston harbor. Also, they made Massachusetts act.
Massachusetts act made all the people should be appointed by Great Britain government or Great Britain¡¯s king. After two times of the Boston tea party, American independent tongue was started in 1775. France, Spain, and Netherlands were in America¡¯s side, and France even sends navy and army to help America. On September 3rd, 1783, the unites states became fully independent from the Great Britain.
On November 8th, 2016, there was 45th presidential election in U.S.A. in many programs, they were talking about U.S.A a lot, so I was curious about the history of U.S.A.
I saw the Boston tea party was the trigger of American independent tongue. I wanted to know more deeply about the Boston tea party. In this report, there is some information of the Boston tea party. Great Britain and the East India Company¡¯s situation when the Boston tea party happened, why Great Britain made many acts to America, who started the Boston tea party, when it started, Great Britain¡¯s response to America, what came back to America after the Boston tea party, and how it became the trigger to the American independent tongue.
However, this report doesn¡¯t have specific information of how many European countries thought about the Boston tea party. I got this information by researching in Google, and Naver dictionaries, and blogs.